rules & regs- May 21st, 2023
1) Entry Fee: $25.00
$10.00 Veterans & Senior Citizens.
$20.00 Teens. (16-19 years old)
$50 “Elite Group”- this level will compete amongst the past Grand Champions & have its own separate gift prizes
(All participants under the age of 21 must have a Parent or Guardian register for him or her.)
*This is a “Catch and Release” Challenge. This Challenge is open to all anglers of any age living
in the USA. You may fish anywhere in the USA except any bodies of water that have been
cultivated for bass: for example, pay to fish lakes. Federal or state stocked bodies of water open
to the public are permitted. ONLY largemouth bass* are eligible for this Challenge. There will be
divisional winners plus one Grand Champion awarded Gift Prizes as detailed below in paragraph 11.
*For this event, Spotted Bass will count as a Largemouth Bass.
2) This is a one-day event to be held on Sunday, May 21, 2023.
3) Registration: Each participant must be registered through our website:
4) There is no weather committee, so this event is solely the responsibility of each participating angler
to decide if he or she wants to fish this event and to decide if weather conditions are safe for fishing.
The Challenge will take place on this date rain or shine. You may fish on a boat, kayak or from land.
Every participant must have a valid fishing license for the state in which you are fishing as
applicable. This Challenge is ONLY open to anglers 16 years and older in the USA.
5) Each angler will be allowed a total of 4 consecutive hours fishing time between 7 a.m. through 7
p.m. (Angler’s local time). Each angler must register your (4) hour time frame before you start
fishing that day along with submitting a photo of the Sunday May 21, 2023 Newspaper OR a ‘Validation
Card”**A “Pre-Fish form” link (Form must be filled out on line) will be available Sunday May 21,
2023 by 4am. (EST) at to designate your 4 hour fishing time and upload
your photo with the Validation card or 5.21.23 Newspaper. Anglers will log their catch and
releases after there 4 hours of fishing are completed as explained below in Paragraphs 10 & 12.
6) Your fishing time must start at the top of a specific hour. [i.e. 10 a.m.; 11 a.m.; 1 p.m.] Lines
cannot be in the water before your designated 4-hour time period you select on the pre-fish form.
For any fish to count the fish must be photographed before the end of your 4-hour fishing time.
Any photos taken before or after your time slot will not count. Please note your time zone (Eastern,
Central, Mountain, Pacific). Just to note: If your running late to your designated fishing time, you can
not make up for that lost time in your 4 hour period.
7) This event will be based on an honor system. This to be a fun Catch and Release
Challenge. Gift prizes will be awarded for most bass releases in each division based on a point
system of 10 points per catch and release. However, all winners may be subject to a polygraph.
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8) In order for each Bass to qualify for 10 points per release you must comply with the following:
a) You must have a cell phone or an iPad to take photos of every Bass you catch and release.
b) BEFORE you start fishing, you will need a Validation Card *** or buy a 5.21.23 Newspaper for your catch verification. You must fill in your pre-fish form and submit the photo of the Validation Card or 5.21.23 Newspaper before you fish. The Pre-fish form will be available on our Website by 4 a.m. (EST) Saturday May 21st, 2023.
*** There will be a link to a Validation Card for you to download & print on the website under “Forms”. The pre-fish form will be available the morning of the event by 4 a.m. (EST) that you can print to use as verification of your catch.
c) Each Bass you photograph for your catch report must be taken from the same side with the validation card or dated newspaper for every fish you catch in one of two ways:
• Left hand with belly facing to the left, or
• Right hand with belly facing to the right.
• * Important: You must position each and every Bass you photograph from the same side
– either right or left. Choose one and stick to it each time to qualify your catch. You
cannot deviate from this position. If you do, you may be disqualified.
9) Before fishing each participant must choose the technique and type of fishing to be used during the
contest and use only this manner of fishing for the entire time. You may only use (1) one rod at a
time to catch fish and either live bait, artificial lures or flies, but not more than one technique
for the entire duration of the event. You may have more than one rod in your possession, but
only 1 line in the water at any given time.
10) TO REPORT YOUR CATCH: After your 4 hour fishing time has ended but in no event later than 10
p.m. your local time, you MUST fill out catch report & upload all photos of your Bass to You will be disqualified if your photos are not uploaded by 10 p.m.
(your local time), Sunday, May 21, 2023
11) Winners will be announced and contacted. 1st place Gift Prizes will be awarded in each division:
Most Largemouth Bass ONLY. There will be a Grand Champion Winner for the person who catches
the most Largemouth Bass.
12) If you have a child that would like to participate, and the child does not have an e-mail address, a
parent or guardian may register the child and submit the required photos using the parent/guardian’s
e-mail address. Use the child’s name and e-mail as the angler when possible.
13) In case of a tie in number of points, the angler that lands the most fish in a shorter time frame will be
declared the winner of that division.
14) At the end of this event, Reel*Time USA will post photos of the winners on
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15) All winners will be determined in the sole discretion of Reel*Time USA. All winners’ catches are
subject to verification of date and time of each catch by Reel*Time USA. Reel*Time USA reserves
the right to disqualify any winner whose photos cannot be verified for the date and time the photo
was taken.
16) By participating in this Challenge and submitting photos, you consent to the use of your photos by
Reel*Time USA at their discretion to promote Reel*Time USA events.
17) By agreeing to participate in this Challenge, you, the participant, agree to release, indemnify, and
hold harmless Reel*Time USA LLC, Reel*Time USA Catch & Release Challenge, Lenny Strobel, and
any and all affiliates involved in this event from any claim or causes of action of any kind including
but not limited to for injury, death, property damage or other damages whether through your own
negligence, the negligence of another or the negligence of Reel*Time USA or Lenny Strobel.
Reel*Time USA LLC reserves the right to refuse any entry at Reel*Time USA’s discretion.
18) REFUND POLICY: Entry fees are non-refundable in the event you do not participate in the
Challenge for any reason whatsoever.
19) Legal Stuff: Each participant is responsible for consulting his or her local fishing laws/regulations
concerning Bass before participating in this contest. Each participant accepts sole responsibility and
risk for knowing the fishing regulations/laws where you fish for this contest. Reel*Time USA makes
no representations regarding any fishing regulations/laws nor makes any guarantee of safety in
participation. Each participant participates at his or her own risk.